Question: “What is the style of management?” can be answered in a different way. Traditionally, we focus on how managers are related to subordinates when we consider this problem. Leadership Style is just another way to talk about the same subject. The question of style is intended to overcome the problem of the best way to motivate employees to do what the manager wants them to do. Obviously, the most effective management style is the most productivity of all employees.

This is a new tilting about how effective managers behave. Some managers have a very proactive style. They plan ahead. Others are usually reactive. They don’t care if they don’t anticipate problems. They like to improvise. Managers can also support or punish how they treat employees. The best managers are proactive and supportive. The reactive manager doesn’t really manage at all.

Reactive management style

This style is very common. Such managers are often punished. Reactive managers don’t really enjoy the management process. They are promoted by becoming a functional expert. In management they still want to do what they most enjoy doing – compiling experts solutions. They can hold routine meetings proactively, but they want competent subordinates who can continue their work without disturbing them. However, they want subordinates to come to them if they have a problem.

Reactive manager Punitive.

No one likes to hear about the problem. Reactive managers with punishment do not intend to be evil. They were annoyed when they heard that a project might be outside the rail. They may not even lose patience but their irritation is still visible in tone of voice and their body language. Their direct priority is to fix the problem. They conveyed the message that they expected their subordinates to learn from their mistakes and would not let him happen again. This is a punishment: it instilled fear of the failure of team members and made them hesitate to tell managers about problems in the future. The punishment style increases the possibility of further errors and the initial departure of the company.

Reactive support manager

Reactive support managers also want subordinates to operate independently. But when problems are brought to them, they behave like coaches, soundboards and helper or enabler. They helped subordinates see what was going well, praising them for good efforts and helping them learn from their mistakes in an encouraging way. But this is still the most effective management style. Management such as investment. To manage invested resources, it is very important to prevent errors before it occurs. This means being proactive.

Proactive Punitive Manager

Such managers often meet with staff. They have fear of failure that their anxiety to avoid error errors is communicated to their team. They always ask questions about progress in a tone that creates fear on their team and motivates them to hide mistakes if possible.

Proactive Supportive Manager

The manager also held a routine meeting but the staff were asked to talk about what had been going well since the last meeting before the discussion turned to the problem. Problems are anticipated and avoided by fostering the atmosphere of safety and openness. Positive feedback that really feels offered and employees are encouraged to think about solutions for supporting problems, training.

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